배스 낚시/채비
[라인 연결] Double Uni-Knot (더블 유니 노트)
2021. 10. 7. 10:27
출처 : https://www.bassfishingandcatching.com/double-uni-knot.html
The Double Uni-Knot Is A Great Knot For Joining Lines Of Dissemilar Materials
The Double Uni-Knot is a bass fishing knot that excels at joining lines of different material and diameters.
참고 : https://www.fishing.org/knots/double-uni-knot
Double Uni Knot | Fishing.org
When working on your knot, make sure to leave yourself plenty of line to work with as this will make it much easier to form your Double Uni Knot. You can even use trick that the old pros use and use Chap Stick on your line to keep it moist and pliable. A